Peach Pie is a 3D animated short film that explores the complexities of dignity, love, and nostalgia. The story follows Nia, a hopeless romantic who constantly feels inadequate. However, when she meets Max, she’s swept into the love story she’s always imagined—one that finally allows her to feel seen and valued. Through Nia’s journey, the film delves into the complexities of self-worth, asking how love shapes our perception of ourselves and whether true self-worth can be found outside of validation from others.
The title serves as a metaphor for being encased in nostalgia—a sweet, comforting space that can make us forget about reality. This sense of nostalgia often prevents us from making rational choices, trapping us in an idealized past. With Peach Pie, I wanted to evoke the same feelings of warmth and intimacy that media like FLCL, Fallen Angel, and Kingdom Hearts created for me—immersive worlds that blur the lines between reality and imagination. I hope to offer viewers a similar escape, but one that prompts them to reflect on whether it is better to stay blissfully ignorant or to face the harsh truth of reality.
3D animation is the perfect medium to explore these themes, allowing me to blend techniques from traditional animation and cinematography. The visual and technical flexibility of 3D allows me to create immersive worlds, balancing between grounded reality and surreal dreamscapes that reflect Nia's emotional journey. Ultimately, Peach Pie is an intimate love letter to the creative media that shaped me and an exploration of how nostalgia can both comfort and confine us, especially in the context of love. It’s a story about finding self-worth not in the ideals we chase, but in the person we become along the way.
-Character Lookbooks
-Environment Breakdowns
-Style Tests